Wix And Squarespace Templates | BrilliantLayouts


  With so many websites, it can be hard – seemingly impossible – to stand out. Getting traffic to your site is hard enough on its own, and getting those people to stay and actually do something is harder still. What makes a good website? Background designed by Freepik What makes a good website, anyway? In short, a good website should excel in both form and function. It should have a clear purpose. It should be visually pleasing and easy to navigate. It should perform well for a wide range of visitors and be technically stable and secure. Good websites are attractive, functional, and useful. Your website is sometimes the only thing your customers see. You want that sucker to be so eye-poppingly awesome that it attracts backlinks, case studies like these, media attention, and customers out the wazoo. And you’re in luck. Because in this post, I’m going to teach you everything we know about what makes a great website.

  And you don’t even need to be a designer. Yippee! The Index of Awesome Web Design (Click to Navigate) Section 1: Visual Website Design (AKA “Prettiness”) Section 2: Technical Website Design (AKA “Geeky Stuff”) Section 3: Website Tools (AKA “Useful Stuff to Make Your Website Better”) -dark-chat-banner-2 Enough talk, let’s dive into web design 10 What Makes a Good Website?

  Alright, so this is a pretty huge subject to tackle. There are thousands of books and courses written on web design. Before I start spatting off lessons, I want to ensure you can take something away and implement it today. So, here are the four basic principles of what makes a good website to keep in mind before your redesign/launch: Purpose. Great design starts with a purpose in mind. Ask yourself, “What do I want to accomplish with this page?” If a page doesn’t have a clear purpose, consider getting rid of it. Aesthetically pleasing. I’ll dig more into this in section one on visual design, but your site needs to look good. If your site looks like it was built in the 90’s, it’s time for an update. Relevant and original content. Your site should show content that’s relevant to your target market and original. Plagiarism is illegal and penalized by Google. Besides, it’s better to be a first-rate version of yourself than a second-rate version of someone else. Clear site navigation. I’ll discuss this further in section two on technical aspects, but know that navigation matters. Any page on your site should be within three clicks of any other page on your site. Your navigation should be intuitive and simple. This helps both Google for SEO and your visitors for navigation. Great design starts with a purpose in mind.CLICK TO TWEET Now that you have the major principles in mind, let’s dive a little deeper.

  Visual Website Design (AKA “Prettiness”) Imagine a scenario for a moment. You’re looking for a gift for your sister’s birthday. You notice a tweet by someone you follow sharing their friend’s new clothing shop. You click. Then you see this. ugly-website-design-1024x533-2Haha, nope. You’re gone. Is this an extreme example? Yes. Does website design still matter a whole heck of a lot? Yup.

  Am I going to tell you what you should do to make your site look great? You betcha. You see, visuals affect everything from conversion rate to time on page, trustworthiness, and organic backlinks (which help you rank your site on Google.) So the equation looks like this: Great site design = More trust = Better conversions Great site design = More trust = More conversions.CLICK TO TWEET How do you make your site look great? Start with your brand. Branding Through Site Design Your brand is your image. Everything from the colors you use to the fonts you choose affects people’s perception of who you are. In her guide to branding, Sonia Gregory says that “as a small business, you may be competing against big brands with devoted customers. That’s why you have to find ways to differentiate–with a solid brand building process of your own.”

  What do you want people to think when they see your site? Edgy, modern, satirical, professional, something else? You can convey those things through your design. Just take a look at the psychology of color – different colors convey different emotions. In fact, a study titled “Impact of color on marketing” found that up to 90% of snap judgments made about products can be based on color alone, depending on the product. Beyond color, you also have font choice. And yes, there is a psychology behind font choice as well. Ted Hunt from Crazy Egg made this cool infographic about it: Psychology behind font choice Regardless of the font you choose for your logo and branding efforts, you should always choose readability over emotional feel for your main body font. Typically that means sans serif fonts, as they read the best on the web. One last tip on font choice: Don’t use more than two fonts in your design. Pick two that compliment each other and stick with those for your entire brand.

  Key Takeaway: Choose no more than three colors and two fonts to represent your brand. Write down the fonts and color codes and use them consistently across your entire site and marketing efforts. Finding, Designing, and Using Images Imagery is a major part of website design. And yet so many people do it wrong. Great images add value to the visitor. They help explain a key point and give the eyes a break. They even help sell your products and services. For example, if you’re an eCommerce site, you want your product photos to be high-quality and show tons of different angles.

  Which of these flowers would you rather buy? Website imagery (Source) If you even saw the image on the right, you’d probably leave and never come back. The middle image is better, but still not great. The one on the left makes you trust the website. Just be careful, because bad images actually reduce readership. Remember design principle #1: Great design has a purpose in mind. Any image that doesn’t have a purpose is a bad image. Period. If you needed more incentive, page load speed (which I discuss in section two), is extremely important to SEO and usability. Having too many big images slows your site down.

  So, how do you find, design, and use images on your website? We wrote about some tools to make great images in this post. Go check it out. But to give you some inspiration, here are a few examples of good images you can use: Charts and graphs of data points Screenshots High-quality stock photography (choose wisely) Custom designs and vector graphics Professional (or at least well-done) photography Key Takeaway: Use images, but do so with a purpose in mind. 3 Examples of Beautiful Websites Knowing what makes a good website is easier when you see real-life examples.

  Here are a few I love: KlientBoost is completely devoted to amazing website design. Their site oozes beautiful visuals. Klientboost Website Design CoSchedule is a site I look up to as well. Their whole site is based on great formatting and consistent branding. CoSchedule design example Expedia: Visit Britain received a developer award for its design. expedia-great-britain You can also see more examples that actually won awards for great design at Awwwards and Webby Awards. (Note: I also give a list of website templates with great visuals in the next section on responsive design, in case you’re like me and can’t code.) Enough about visuals. Let’s get a little geekier.

Wix And Squarespace Templates

  Technical Website Design (AKA “Geeky Stuff”) Technical web design includes things like: Responsive design and mobile-friendliness Fast load speeds Search engine optimization (SEO) SSL encryption Site architecture & navigation If any of these things made you say “What?”, don’t worry. I’ll explain them all in laymen’s terms. Responsive Design and Mobile-Friendliness

  According to Smashing Magazine’s post Responsive Web Design: What It Is And How To Use It: “Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation.” Responsive Web Design In other words, a responsive site is one that plays well on all screens and devices. It’s mobile-friendly and caters to the device you’re viewing it on. If you think that sounds complicated… it is. But it’s important. In fact, smartphones now account for over 51% of all online traffic, and tablets came in at just over 12%. And that number is growing. Also, Google cares a lot about mobile-friendliness. In fact, they now place a priority on ranking mobile-friendly sites (an update called “Mobilegeddon“).

  Finally, mobile-friendly makes for a better user experience. And ultimately, it’s all about the user. They’re the ones opening their wallets to keep your business afloat. So what’s a non-designer to do? First, see if your site is considered mobile-friendly by Google with their mobile-friendly test. It’s also a good idea to check it yourself by going to your site on your phone. If it doesn’t score well or look good, you have some work to do. Mobile-friendly test Yay, we’re mobile-friendly! Besides hiring a designer, your best bet is to change your site’s template. This is the easiest and most affordable way to make your site mobile-friendly and responsive.

  Here are some mobile-friendly templates for popular site builders: Mobile-friendly WordPress templates Mobile-friendly Shopify templates Mobile-friendly BigCommerce templates Mobile-friendly Magento templates Template Monster for multiple platforms Fast Website Load Speed According to surveys done by Akamai and Gomez.com, nearly half of web users expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less, and they tend to abandon a site that isn’t loaded in 3 seconds! That doesn’t give you much wiggle room. But if you’re still not convinced, get this: Roughly 79% of online shoppers who have trouble with website performance say they won’t return to the site to buy again, and around 44% of them would tell a friend if they had a poor experience shopping online. In other words, if your site speed sucks, you lose. Big Time. So how do you ensure a fast load speed? Try this: Like the mobile-friendly test, Google also has a page speed test. However, some believe it’s not very accurate, so it can’t hurt to also try Pingdom and GT Metrix.

  All three will give you an idea of what’s hurting your load speeds, with suggestions to improve. Page speed test As you can see, there are a lot of ways to improve your site load speed, like browser caching and making above-the-fold content load first (the content you see without scrolling down the page). However, one of the easiest ways is optimizing and compressing your images. As I said in the visual section, images take up a lot of bandwidth. Which is why it’s important to only use images that are highly valuable. You can use a tool like Gimp to compress your images for free. (Here is a tutorial to do just that.) Pre- and post-Gimp image file sizes Search Engine Optimization (SEO) SEO means optimizing your site to show up in search engines like Google. It’s the bread and butter of what makes a good website.

  Done right, it can drive thousands in traffic to your site every month without any extra effort. Done poorly, not a soul will find you on Google. According to Jon Rognerud, there are four steps to SEO. Here are some of Jon’s actionable takeaways: Know who you’re targeting and perform keyword research. Optimize your site pages with on-page SEO targeting those keywords. Create a strong sitemap for Google and Bing to index your site. This is highly simplified and there are a lot of other SEO factors, but these three tactics will get you well on your way to showing up in search results. This next piece of web design advice helps with both SEO and building trust with your visitors. Securing Your Site with SSL Encryption

  You’ve probably seen the little green lock in your address bar next to a website. SSL Encryption This is called SSL encryption. Google gives encrypted sites a small SEO boost. But perhaps more important than that is the trust factor it gives your visitors. This is especially true if you sell anything on your website. People want to know their information is safe before they open their wallet. Migrating to SSL is a delicate process. Here’s a guide to migrate your site to SSL without hurting your search rankings. Site Architecture & Navigation Remember design principle #4: Have a clear site navigation. Navigation is important for two main reasons: Better SEO (because it makes it easier for Google to index your site). Better usability (because it’s easier for visitors to find their way around). Remember to use the “three click rule”: Every page on your site should be within three clicks of any other page on your site. To help you with this, consider mapping out your website. You can do it with a tool like Slickplan or just use pen and paper. They look like this:

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